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![]() Детские стихи про лягушек, жаб и головастиков на английском: Mary had a little frog, Little, frog, little frog, Mary had a little frog, It’s skin was green as grass [/b] Если кому-то нужен перевод, пишите в комментариях! And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, Everywhere that Mary went, The frog would jump and splash. Стихотворение про жабу: I am a little toad, Hopping down the road, Just listen to my song, I sleep all winter long, When spring comes I peep out, And then I jump about, And now I catch a fly, And now I wink my eye, And now and then I hop, And now and then I stop! I have a little frog His name is Tiny Tim, I put him in the bathtub, To see if he could swim, He drank up all the water, And gobbled up the soap! And when he tried to talk He had a BUBBLE in his throat! Five Little Speckled Frogs Five little speckled frogs, Sitting on a speckled log, Eating the most delicious bugs, Yum, yum. One jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there were four little speckled frogs. (Повторять тоже самое, пока не останется одна лягушка.) One little speckled frog sitting, Sitting on a speckled log, Eating the most delicious bugs, Yum, yum. He jumped into the pool, Where it was nice and cool, Then there were no little speckled frogs. Bloop bloop went the little green frog one day, Bloop bloop went the little green frog, Bloop bloop went the little green frog one day, And they all went bloop bloop blop. But! We all know frogs go, Lahdeedahdeedah! Lahdeedahdeedah! We all know frogs go, Lahdeedahdeedah! They don't go bloop bloop blop. Стихотворние про головастиков : Five little tadpoles swimming near the shore. The first one said, “Let’s swim some more.” The second one said, “Let’s rest awhile.” The third one said, “Swimming makes me smile.” The fourth one said, “My legs are growing long.” The fifth one said, “I’m getting very strong.” Five little tadpoles will soon be frogs. They’ll jump from the water and sit on logs. A. Gutterman There once was a polly named Wog Who wanted to change to a frog, So he dropped off his tail Grew legs without fail And croaked all day on a log. Oh, the Polliwog is woggling In his pleasant native bog With his beady eyes a-goggling Through the underwater fog And his busy tail a-joggling And his eager head agog- Just a happy little frogling Who is bound to be a frog. See the little froggy Swimming in the pool The water’s great- It’s nice and cool When he gets all cleaned up Out he’ll hop Squeaky clean From bottom to top. See the little froggy On the lily pad Trying to catch flies She’s getting sad. When she catches one, She’ll gobble it up Back in the water She’ll go kerplop! Пальчиковая игра про лягушат на английском: Five little frisky frogs hopping on the shore. (Растопырить 5 пальцев) One hopped into the pond- SPLASH! (При слове “splash” хорошенько встряхнуть руками) So then there were just four. Four little frisky frogs climbing up a tree. (вытянуть вверх 4 пальца.) One fell into the grass - BOOM! (При слове “boom” шлепнуть руками по коленям.) So then there were just three. Three little frisky frogs bathing in the dew. (Вытянуть вверх 3 пальца. Умывать лицо ладошками.) One caught a sneezy cold - AHHCHOO! (Зажать нос и громко чихнуть.) So then there were just two. Two little frisky frogs sleeping in the sun. (Вытянуть 3 пальца вверх. Положить ладошки под голову-спим) One slept the day away - SNORE! (Громко похрапеть.) So then there was just one. One little frisky frog sitting on a stone. (Вытянуть один палец вверх и положить подбородок на руку с печальный выражением лица.) Let’s call his four friends back - YOO - HOO! (Приложить руки ко рту как для крика) So he won’t be alone. (Вытянуть все 5 пальцев опять)
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