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Стихи про петуха на английском

Автор: aleksashka
Опубликовано: 4631 день назад (14 июня 2012)
Голосов: 0

Детские стихи про петушка, курицу и цыплят на английском:

Стихи про петуха:

The cock does crow
To let you know,
If you be wise,
it’s time to rise.


Cocks crow in the morning,
To tell us to rise.
And he who lies late,
Will never be wise.
For early to bed,
And early to rise.
Is the way to be healthy,
And wealthy and wise.

Стихи про курицу:

Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck'
Good morning, pretty hen.
How many chickens
  Have you got?
Madam, I've got ten.
Three of them are yellow,
And three of them
Are brown,
And four of them
Are black-and-white,
The nicest in the town.

Hickety, pickety, my black hen,
She lays eggs for gentlemen.
Gentlemen come every day
To see what my black hen do lay

What Can a Hen Do?

A hen can lay a big brown egg.
A hen can stand on just one leg.
A hen can run.
A hen can walk.
A hen can say "Bawk, bawk, bawk".
But do you know what a hen can't do?
A hen can't ______________ like you.

I had a little hen, the prettiest ever seen,
She washed me the dishes and kept the house clean;
She went to the mill to fetch me some flour,
She brought it home in less than an hour;
She baked me my bread, she brewed me my ale,
She sat by the fire and told many a fine tale.

Стихотворение про цыплят:

My name is Little Chick
and I’m a chic chick
For I know every trick
to catch a worm quick!

A. Fisher

Peck, peck, peck
On the warm, brown egg.
Out comes a neck
Out comes a leg.
How does a chick,
Who's not been about,
Discover the trick
Of how to get out?

S. Silverstein

Oh, I am a chickie who lives in an egg.
but I will not hatch, I will not hatch.
The hens they all cackle, the roosters all beg,
But I will not hatch, I will not hatch.
For I hear all the talk of pollution and more
As the people all shout and the airplanes roar.
So I'm staying in here where it's safe and it's warm.

This Little Chick

This little chick ate corn today,
This little chick ate worms they say,
This little chick ate yellow meal,
This little chick ate potato peel,
This little chick like a fluffy ball,
Ate a teeny tiny bit of all!
Corn today! Worms they say!
Yellow meal! Potato peel!

Said the first little chicken,
With a strange little squirm,
"I wish I could find
A fat little worm."
Said the next little chicken,
With an odd little shrug:
"I wish I could find
A fat little bug."
Said a third little chicken,
With a small sigh of grief,
"I wish I could find
A green little leaf!"
Said the fourth little chicken,
With a faint little moan
"I wish I could find
A wee gravel stone."
"Now, see here!" said the mother,
From the green garden patch,
"If you want any breakfast,
Just come here and scratch!"

M. Goldish

Known for its feather and wings and legs,
The chicken lays eggs and eggs and eggs!
Known for the comb atop its crown,
The chicken lays eggs of white and brown.
Known for its strut when taking a walk,
The chicken lays eggs! Ba-a-awk! Ba-a-awk!
Five Little Chickens
Five little chickens by the old barn door,
One saw a beetle, and then there were four.
Four little chickens under a tree,
One saw a cricket, and then there were three.
Three little chickens looked for something new,
One saw a grasshopper, and then there were two.
Two little chickens said, "Oh what fun!"
One saw a ladybug, then there was one.
One little chicken began to run,
For he saw a katydid, then there were none!
Стихи про бычка | Стихи про щенка на английском

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